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Friday, January 11, 2013

Michael W. Smith Sells Out

I know a lot of you out there hate Jesus. I can see why--he doesn't party. But I think we can all agree that the debut album by the Michael W. Smith Project was just as relevant as most Phil Collins era Genesis. Live, the band's keyboard driven sound could rival Guiffria's.

Of course, it's tough to reach across the aisle into the secular AOR world when you've got a guy playing clarinet in an Atlanta Braves hat, so as the nineties unfolded the MSP started to really fall victim to some of trends of the time.

By the '00s, he was phoning in Awesome God covers like every other non-secular band.

 I mean, if you're going to do covers, don't Tesh your way through it, do it RIGHT!

We all know how the story goes: Christian crabcore comes and goes, but we shared a moment with the original Michael W. Smith Project that won't be forgotten!


  1. Speaking of an awesome Crab...I need to start praying to Crab so I can get me one of them sweet Mesa back lines!

  2. "I don't really listen to the words, I just pay attention to the music" guy should totally check out Schon & Hammer's Untold Passion!
