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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

L.A. Guns Get Covered in (Saddle) Ranch

Here at BlogMaGogRoxx we try to stay current with our little tidbits of info...however this can prove to be somewhat of a daunting task when most of our time is spent in a blackout.  All I can really remember about the past few decades is some horrible dream that David Lee Roth got replaced in Van Halen by that dude from Chickenfoot...

(My dreams are so vivid they sometimes end up on YouTube)

Country tried to expand its target demographic with a big black "hick-hop" train..

(I mean...come on.  What's next...Hootie going country!?)

And craziest of all, I dreamt LA Guns put out an album of all the songs they heard while eating brunch at Saddle Ranch.

After a few quick Google searches, I’ll have to admit, this album might have actually happened.  Best I can tell, Phil Lewis must have been thrown off of the Saddle Ranch mechanical bull directly onto his head, then immediately sprung up and deliriously exclaimed “LET’S COVER MATTHEW WILDER!!!” before running back to his bottomless mimosa.

(0:18, Stage Left…Lock Nut: Did I just see a Chapman stick?)

As a side note, while Lock Nut and I tried to wrap our heads around this one, we came up with a litany of potential follow up albums for one or more of the current LA Guns line-ups…

Lock Nut: Flick of the Stick
me:  Covered in Sticks
Lock Nut:  Hot Stick Burnin on My Lip
me:  LOL
  Stick Up In Ya
Lock Nut:  Tales from the Stick. Sticks from the Strip
me:  Sticked & Loaded
  Chapman Vampires
Lock Nut:  Balls to the Stick
  Tappin Aint Easy....ok, i'm coming up dry now
me:  A Little Stick Ain't Enough
  Women and Sticks First
  You Just Got Sticked
  Attack of the Killer Sticks
  Persistence of Sticks
Lock Nut:  Stick of the Judas

Whether or not any of this actually happened, I’m just going to go ahead and blame Jaeger.

Also, if anyone happens to find my Duster, please drop me line.  It appears I misplaced it somewhere in the last 20 years or so.


  1. Damn, never noticed that Dodge logo that pops up at the end of Duster spot. A star inside a Pentagram, that's pretty evil!

  2. Chapman Vampires is probably my favorite from that chat.

  3. Umm... it's a pentaGON not a pentaGRAM. Not QUITE as evil, or I suppose that could be debated. Seriously though, the Saddle Ranch sounds like a magical place. Bottomless mimosas, Phil Lewis, mechanical bull. Sigh.
